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Old and New Seniors Get Stoked for Summer 2021

The Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) is excited to announce new summer programs for graduating and rising senior Next Generation Scholars.

“We are excited to bring our recent graduates together one last time and give them some additional tools to help prepare them for what new amazing adventures await them post-graduation,” says Nona Carroll, MBRT chief strategy officer and Next Generation Scholars program director.

On June 16, 2021, newly graduated seniors are invited to attend the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay for MBRT’s “NEXTGen NextLEVEL” event to help guide them into their young adult lives. Designed for students pursuing college or their career, graduates will participate in a variety of workshops, attend a career fair with local businesses and gain valuable inspiration for their futures. The full-day event features four themes of focus: education, career, life hacks and self-exploration.

During the education sessions, seniors will receive tips from college students on surviving their first year, facts about apprenticeships and internships, and discover how to learn while working in a discussion about on-the-job training. The career sessions include strategies to excel at a job, benefits to a public service career, how to present oneself for an interview and tips to start a business. The lifehacks sessions focus on the fact that life doesn’t come with instructions. Next Generation Scholars will learn how to manage money when they don’t have a lot, what to do when their check engine light turns on, secrets to surviving on their own and the incredible power of small wins. In the self-exploration sessions, students will learn how asking for help can be the bravest thing they do, how to find harmony while seeking balance, and how to be honest with themselves along their journey of self-discovery.

“While preparing this special day for our graduates we reflected on additional ways we can continue supporting our students during their last year of high school,” says Carroll. “We are pleased to bring some of the popular Just for Juniors virtual sessions to life at our new in-person senior bootcamps.”

Using the momentum gained from MBRT’s Just for Juniors virtual series this past year, MBRT will host students at four Maryland colleges. The day-long bootcamp sessions will be held at Goucher College on August 3, Washington College on August 5, Frostburg University on August 10 and Salisbury University on [date]. “Senior Bootcamp: Jumpstart Your Future” will focus on the college experience and what life is like at college, the application process, how to develop essays for college and scholarships, and ways to pay for college.

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to contact their local coordinator to sign up for the summer programs.