At MBRT, we believe in the power of collaboration to shape a brighter future for Maryland students and workforce development. Join us in bridging the gap between education and industry, driving transformative change while enjoying several key benefits:

“We understand that skills and knowledge demanded by the workforce are evolving. It is our duty to ensure our students are ready to meet these demands. By investing in education, we invest in the future of our state and its economy.”

What we do

Cultivate A Future-Ready Workforce

Prepare a skilled future workforce through college and career readiness (CCR) programs in Maryland’s middle and high schools

Provide employers access to a diverse talent pool for enhanced business growth and competitiveness.

Align Education Programs With Industry Needs

Identify pathways to Maryland jobs and collaborate to achieve Maryland’s college and career readiness goals.

Influence education policies and priorities to focus on industry needs for skilled, diverse and available talent.

How we do it

Increase Access to College and Career Pathways

Expand access for Maryland’s most economically disadvantaged students to diverse college and career pathways.

Enhance workforce development initiatives in local communities by partnering with employers and workforce boards.

Convene to Advance Education & Workforce Priorities

Collaborate with leading business, education and government organizations to enhance college and career readiness outcomes.

Convene strategic committees and experts on topics such as critical workforce needs, education policy, emerging technologies, college and career pathways, and talent attraction & retention.

How we measure it

Expand Outcomes

Demonstrate impact of MBRT-led programs on education and workforce outcomes with tangible metrics and data.

Quantify business’ commitment to education and community stakeholders with annual programmatic and operational outcomes.

Support Educational Impact

At MBRT, we value diversity, inclusivity, and collaboration and are committed to creating a supportive community where all members can thrive. Together, we can build a brighter future for Maryland. Join more than 40 leading employer and education partner organizations and become a trusted MBRT partner to effect positive growth in Maryland. We make it easy to get involved, take action and support the central issue of education and its impact in our communities and across the state.