MBRT’s mission is to be a catalyst for business, government, and education to drive high student achievement that ensures a competitive future workforce for a world-class economy. Our operations include developing and implementing programs that connect classroom learning with real-world business skills, mentoring students, and advocating for policies that promote equity and educational excellence.
- Students Served and engaged in College & Career Readiness Programming (2023-2024): 38,699
- Districts Hosting Speakers Bureau and Event Engagements (2023-2024): 22 of 24
- Speakers Bureau Volunteers (2023-2024): 324
- Speaker Bureau Sessions (2023-2024): 827
Next Generation Scholars
Our career coaching framework, implemented successfully in rural districts, exemplifies our commitment to providing targeted support and fostering effective educational practices.
Through this program, MBRT has significantly impacted student outcomes since 2017:
- Facilitated 40,031 engagements over six years, averaging nearly 6,700 engagements annually.
- Supported over 450 graduates in securing nearly $4 million in financial aid.
- Enabled significant student growth in critical competencies, with notable increases in understanding the admissions process, connecting high school performance to college success, and engagement in school and community activities.
- Demonstrated improved academic performance and behavior among highly engaged students, who outperformed their peers in credits earned and attendance.