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The MBRT invites business professionals and community organization members to volunteer to speak in classrooms and interact with students from across Maryland’s 24 school districts. The MBRT’s Speakers Bureau volunteers deliver a message that achievement in school pays off in college, the workplace, and in life.

Speakers can connect with middle and high school students in schools that are close to where they live and work, and they are welcome to travel to other parts of the state to reach students beyond their local community. Volunteers choose the dates that work best for their schedules and sign-up for our programs via our volunteer-friendly, management system.

“It’s a really good experience to have people come into the classroom because it gives students the chance to talk to someone who has already gone through college and has a career. It helps inspire kids to want to do better.”

Our Volunteers Are Just Like You

We open our doors to anyone who has the drive to make a difference, the desire to help middle and high school students fulfill their dreams and goals, and the commitment to make the communities we serve better places to live. Speakers Bureau members do not need to be professional speakers; volunteers just need to be themselves. And, we promise it will be one of life’s most rewarding experiences.

We Train the Trainers

MBRT provides support for all volunteers and each school they visit. Volunteers are required to attend one free, two to three hour training session wherein all necessary preparation is provided. Each year, returning volunteers must recommit, as well as, complete an on-line training refresher, which can be done virtually and only takes 10-15 minutes.

Benefits of Volunteering

While students and educators benefit from guest speakers, volunteers also recognize the value.  

  • It’s rewarding to share knowledge.
  • Speakers can bring awareness to their company, industry and innovations through a wide-variety of MBRT programs and activities.
  • Volunteering is an opportunity to build confidence and strengthen leadership, management, public speaking and presentation skills.
  • Improve the lives of others by helping students gather information to start making decisions about their career path.

Minimum Graduation Requirements

This document was used as a reference for the requirements listed above. It also contains information on individual school districts. However, your school
district’s website will provide the most up-to-date information.

Become an MBRT Volunteer

Every student should have the opportunity to be successful. Join MBRT and inspire and prepare students for a world of opportunities that exist after they cross the stage on graduation day.

Educators & School Administrators:

Request a Speaker for Your Classroom 

Invite trained business volunteers into your school to speak with all of your 8th or 9th grade students about the importance of taking rigorous courses, doing well in school and preparing for their future.