NGS Take on Local College Fairs

11th and 12th graders in our Next Generation Scholars program had the opportunity to attend a college fair for the first time since the program’s first fair experience in 2019. With encouragement from their coordinators, school counselors and other school partners, over 79 NGS students attended their local college fair.  

Attending a college fair is a great way for students to explore their post-high school graduation options, especially for students interested in furthering their education. These events can help narrow down their list of possible choices by speaking with representatives, collecting brochures, and gaining in-sight into what campus life is like at each respective institution. 

Students from Caroline, Dorchester, Kent and Wicomico counties attended the Tri-County College Fairheld on University of Maryland Eastern Shore’s campus on November 3. During the fair, students talked to dozens of college admissions representatives across the mid-Atlantic region and beyond. Many students learned practical information about each campus, such as how much it costs to attend or if their intended major is offered at each campus, while others made connections with the college representatives, including one Dorchester County student who learned of their acceptance to Coppin State University while visiting their booth! 

While on campus, UMES also offered a chance for students to witness what life on their campus is like. Current students offered abbreviated tours and lunch was enjoyed in the student dining hall. UMES was also gearing up for Homecoming festivities, where many NGS students enjoyed a sweet treat at the activities fair. 

Allegany County students also visited Allegany College of Maryland for the 54th Annual Tri-State College event on October 11. In addition to visiting the 60 colleges and university booths, students had the opportunity to start financially preparing for college by attending a Financial Aid question and answer session and having the opportunity to win one of four scholarships, awarded by the fair hosts. One NGS student received a $2,500 scholarship award!