MBRT’s Summer of Service Returns

Following great feedback from our inaugural Summer of Service in 2021, MBRT is pleased to bring back its Summer of Service for rising junior and senior Next Generation Scholars to add to or complete their 75 service-learning hours required by Maryland to graduate.

Some of this summer’s volunteering opportunities have already begun, and for many districts, the activities extend into August. The range of things to do and people to help is long and varied. Next Generation Scholars can earn service-learning hours face painting for local youth, cleaning up baseball fields, helping local parks prepare for the busy summer season, setting up for town festivals, caring for kids, assembling boxes of toys, beautifying outdoor areas, working a farm, and contributing on Habitat for Humanity days, among others.

“We really listened to what our students enjoyed last summer and wanted to build on that feeling because even though this helps fulfill a high school graduation requirement, the benefits to volunteering as a teen can last a lifetime,” says Nona Carroll, MBRT chief strategy officer and Next Generation Scholars program director.

According to the United Way of Central Minnesota, there are five key benefits for teens who volunteer:

  • Increase self-esteem
  • Gain more empathy
  • Become a stronger college applicant
  • Build long-term generosity
  • Earn better grades

For more details on all the offerings, students can check their local district: Allegany, Caroline, Dorchester, Kent and Wicomico.

Next Generation Scholars are encouraged to contact their local coordinator to register for a Summer of Service event and reserve their spot.