The Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) has announced two new members of its board of directors, further strengthening the organization’s governance and leadership supporting education reform and student achievement in Maryland. Confirmed by vote of the MBRT board in December 2024 and January 2025, respectively:
• Joe Durham, Market President, Fulton Bank
• Dr. Yolanda Wilson, President, College of Southern Maryland

“We are excited to engage these respected individuals in our important work for Maryland,” said MBRT board chair, Christine Aspell, “and utilize their unique expertise and perspective to guide us in developing a future-ready workforce for a world-class economy.”
Durham brings extensive experience in banking and financial services, alongside a broad economic perspective. His leadership role at Fulton Bank serves the Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC markets. A native Baltimorean, Durham is committed to fostering community partnerships through his service on several greater Baltimore nonprofit boards.
Dr. Yolanda Wilson became president of the College of Southern Maryland in 2023 and is the first African American president in the college’s 64-year history. An esteemed leader in higher education, Wilson brings experience in academic affairs, student services and campus operations. Her work is centered on creating a student-ready college culture.
The MBRT continues to strengthen its activation of robust partnerships between businesses, educators, and policymakers.“I congratulate and warmly welcome these extraordinary leaders to the MBRT board and their prestigious organizations to our membership,” said MBRT executive director, Sharon Markley Schreiber. “It is with expanded geographic and industry board representation that we amplify outcomes for students and businesses.”

About Maryland Business Roundtable for Education
Founded in 1992, the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) is a coalition of leading employers that have made a long-term commitment to support education reform and improve student achievement in Maryland. MBRT is the catalyst for business, government and education to drive high student achievement that ensures a competitive future workforce for a world-class economy.