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Celebrating a MBRT Team Member’s Contributions and Opening an Exciting Opportunity to join the MBRT Team

Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) is grateful for departing team member Aundra Anderson’s eight years of service to Kent County students and contributions as MBRT’s Next Generation Scholars (NGS) Program Manager. In her role, Aundra managed MBRT NGS Program initiatives, helping to create curriculum and evaluation opportunities that align with the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. In Kent County, she managed events, programming and individualized college and career assistance for approximately 150 students annually, making a lasting impact on their educational and career journeys.  

Change presents opportunity, and MBRT is excited to launch a new, Blueprint-focused MBRT job opportunity serving the NGS Program in Kent County Public Schools while increasing student access to and success in college pathways statewide. The MBRT College Pathways Manager with NGS Program Responsibilities – Kent County acts as the college access and financial aid awareness bridge across Maryland’s secondary schools and higher education, supporting MBRT’s college and career readiness programming statewide in the areas of college admissions, dual enrollment, financial aid, scholarships, and postsecondary planning. Metrics of success include increasing college access and financial aid awareness for students. In addition, this role is responsible for working with a cohort of Kent County High School students in MBRT’s Next Generation Scholars Program to provide individualized college and career readiness programming. 

Learn more and help us to amplify this exciting career opportunity. If you’re passionate about making a difference in the lives of students and want to join a highly professional and collaborative team, we encourage you to apply. Click here to learn more and apply.