In order to prepare students for rewarding careers and to secure the State’s economic future, moving Maryland to world-class in STEM education and workforce quality is a priority. It is increasingly apparent that all students need a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, regardless of their career path.

How You Can Help

  • Volunteer – and encourage your colleagues to volunteer – to engage students in learning experiences through the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education’s STEM Specialists in the Classroom and Maryland Scholars Speakers Bureau Programs.
  • Partner with the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education to develop STEM Challenges for students.
  • Provide funding to support the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education and to accelerate expansion of STEMnet resources and services to more schools, teachers and students ($15,000 per school).
  • Identify potential funders or include the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education in joint grant proposals.

MBRT volunteers bring education to life via our programs, students benefit from industry professionals visiting their classrooms. Students agree or strongly agree:

  • It is helpful having an MBRT volunteer talk about life after high school. (98%)
  • The MBRT volunteer helped them think about college and career options they had not previously considered. (89%)
  • The MBRT volunteer helped them better understand what steps to take to pursue careers that interest them. (93%)
  • Having an MBRT volunteer in their classroom encouraged them to do better in school. (93%)
  • The MBRT volunteer helped them better understand the connections between school work and future college and career options. (95%)

There are lots of ways you can make a difference as a volunteer in the classroom. Your experiences, advice, and expertise are just what teenagers want and need to inform their decisions, ignite their imaginations, and inspire them to pursue and achieve their goals. Research shows that four interactions in high school with workplace professionals will result in higher earning power once students graduate. You can provide one or more of those interactions and change life outcomes for dozens or even hundreds of students.

Help Maryland students prepare for a world of opportunity.

They want to hear from YOU. Your experiences, advice and expertise are just what teenagers want and need to inform their decisions, ignite their imaginations, and inspire them to pursue and achieve their goals.

Research shows that four interactions in high school with workplace professionals will result in higher earning power once students graduate.

You can provide one or more of those interactions and change life outcomes for dozens or even hundreds of students.

Here are just two of the many ways you can make a difference:

  • Sign up to be a speaker for one of our Maryland’s Future Pathways (formerly MD Scholars) sessions to bring students the message that achievement in school will pay off in college, the workplace, and in life.
  • Be a STEM Specialist in the Classroom who engages students in hands-on learning experiences that demonstrate the real-world application of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) content and skills.

With a limited time commitment, you can influence and inspire young people in your community schools.

You don’t need to be a professional speaker. You just need to be yourself. We will provide you with training and will support you on every school visit. And we promise it will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

We open our doors to anyone who has the drive to make a difference, the desire to help students across fulfill their dreams and goals and the commitment to make the communities we serve better places to live.