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We believe everyone, regardless of their background, has the right to go to college. For more than 30 years, MBRT has worked with leading businesses, government, and educators to do what’s in the best interest of Maryland K-12 education. Every day, we aim to improve the lives of students and their families by promoting different college and career readiness pathways.

“The Next Generation Scholars program hYou are the best!! I really appreciate your patience and support during the stressful application process for students and parents!!! Many thanks!!”

mother of XX, senior at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School

Become a Student Leader in Our Ambassador Program

Our Student Ambassador program is an opportunity for students who want to make their voices heard and improve their schools and communities. Students step into leadership roles, communicate their views on state education policy, and provide feedback on MBRT programming and resources.

Gather College and Career Information with Way to Be

Middle and high school students and their caregivers can access critical information about college and career pathways and help them discover how to reach their goals through our free Way to Be Magazine and App.

Connect with the Pros

Our mobile application now supports the ability for our users to get answers to their college and career-related questions by reaching out to our network of professionals!

Explore the Possibilities as a Next Generation Scholar

Through our Next Generation Scholars program, MBRT helps students and their families who have a demonstrated financial need realize that college is an option by enhancing education and career awareness as well as college completion for high school students. Eligible students can receive the Maryland Guaranteed Access Grant that will help cover the cost of full-time study at a Maryland college or university.